Caregivers Of The Upstate
"A Licensed In-Home Care Provider"
Caregivers Of The Upstate
"A Licensed In-Home Care Provider"
"A Licensed In-Home Care Provider"
"A Licensed In-Home Care Provider"
We can be there to help whether you need us a few hours a day or 24 hours a day, 7 days week.
Feel better in the comfort of your own home. We specialize in care and daily living assistance to an array of individuals. Whether you need daily or weekly assistance due to aging, illness, recovery, or rehabilitation, our care givers will provide an individualized service that you can trust.
We provide background screening and drug testing for all caregivers prior to placement. Our supervisory nurses assess and work with each client to create the proper care plan and routinely visit to address any care plan changes. We provide workers compensation and liability insurance coverages for all caregivers.
We understand that not one care plan fits all. Daily services can include anything from meal preparation, hygiene, cleaning, and supervision. We will take the time to get to know you and develop an individualized care plan that fits your specific needs.
Companionship is key to a trusted relationship with our caregivers. We not only strive to help you with everyday tasks but want to develop a caring relationship with you. We provide one-on-one attention and care that cannot compare in other settings.
Recovering from home after surgery can limit you with your daily activities. Whether you are recovering from major surgery, childbirth, or plastic surgery, our compassionate caregivers can assist you to a healthy and complete recovery. We offer assistance with bathing and grooming, feeding, ambulation, transferring, incontinence care and many more services tailored to the clients needs.
Arthritis, physical disabilities, and age-related conditions are some of the few circumstances that prevent patients from caring for themselves. Our caregivers can assist you with daily tasks such as mobility, eating, exercising, bathing and grooming.
Please call Caregivers Of The Upstate in Greenwood today!
Our experienced and highly trained caregivers provide the highest quality of care to both patients and their families. Our goal is to help individuals and their loved ones live happy and fulfilling lives. We offer meal planning, activity planning, housekeeping, and errands.
We are on call 24/7 to address emergency staffing issues and care plan changes.
Fill out the form above and we’ll get back to you during office hours.
Email us anytime at
Feel free to fax any forms to (864)450-9244
712-A Montague Avenue, Greenwood, South Carolina 29649, United States
If you love helping people and patients with special needs, we'll offer you great employment opportunities. Please download the employment application here and come by our office to meet with a team member.
To our employees and clients:
Caregivers Of The Upstate, Inc. is actively monitoring the Covid-19 situation and taking steps to minimize risk to our clients, employees and business operations in an attempt to ensure continued service to our clients. We will continue to update employees and clients as we obtain more information from federal, state and local authorities.
At this time, our main office remains open during regular business hours but with limited physical access. However, we strongly encourage our clients and employees to communicate via telephone with our administrators for assistance. If you have an immediate need to visit the main office, please call and make an appointment. We will schedule an individual appointment for you, so as not to come into direct contact with other employees, our clients or members of the public.
As we have several employees providing direct care to clients, it is important to avoid employee to employee contact at this time when possible. These precautions will help to avoid the potential spread of the virus, while also ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees and clients.
We ask that employees and clients use all contact precautions as advised by the CDC and SCDHEC.
If any employee or client develops any viral symptoms, notify our administrators immediately. Do not attempt contact with any other client or employee until you have spoken to a nurse supervisor.
We will continue to provide direct care at this time, but our staffing level may become impacted if the virus spreads within our geographic area. All clients are reminded that our agency provides non-emergent, supplemental in-home care. Please stay in contact with your relatives, friends and neighbors to provide yourself with a network of care. Please understand that service interruptions will be possible if not expected during this time, and that our primary goal is to ensure that we only provide service if we are able to limit exposure to a client.
Also, clients are advised that employees routinely serve more than one client in any given day. Our employees have been trained in contact precautions. However, if you have concerns regarding exposure, please address those concerns with our administrators, or if you are a Community Long Term Care Client, your case manager. Clients are unable to obtain services without risk, and we are unable to provide service without risk. As a client, you assume the risk associated with direct care because you have determined the benefits of service outweigh the risk. Our clients always maintain the right to suspend service.
If a client develops symptoms, we will seek guidance from SCDHEC, but it is likely that the client will need to self-quarantine, and we will be unable to provide services to attempt to ensure no cross contamination with other clients or employees.
We appreciate our employees and clients. Please stay vigilant and follow all precautions, and we will do our best to continue to serve our community.
Copyright © 2018 Caregivers Of The Upstate- All Rights Reserved.